Well, where do I start? Hello part2?

I had a website for at least four years until COVID. Don’t say it – I know, I know, I’m tired of everything being blamed on COVID too. But I really had lost my site because I stopped paying attention. I renewed my hosting agreement for one year then lost track of time, and my website. Apparently my email notifications letting me know my site was scheduled for deletion went the same direction as my mind – MIA. It was deleted a few short months ago.

After large blocks of time searching, meditating, and near breakdowns, I remembered my site’s theme. I have it back up – mostly. And I’ll slowly work on my site’s bells and whistles to make it my own again. In the meantime and in between time, I’ll include some content that I hope you will like.

Plug and play websites are a thing, but don’t do what I did and forget your sites theme. The theme equals the site’s name, and without mine, I searched and searched. There are literally thousands of possibilities.

I will spend time each week getting this site up to the same level of love as the last site. I wrote down my theme and will keep that information in a safe place. The key takeaway for today is to write things down and keep them in a safe place.

I’ll see you soon, Claire 💋